December 1, 2022

Exploring the Benefits of Agricultural Solar Panels in New Jersey

Exploring the Benefits of Agricultural Solar Panels in New Jersey

The agricultural industry has long been a cornerstone of the economy in New Jersey, providing essential resources and employment to the state. With the rise of renewable energy sources, the agricultural industry is now looking to solar energy to power its operations. Solar panels for agricultural use offer a variety of benefits, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, and independence from utility companies. This article will explore the benefits of agricultural solar panels in New Jersey, including cost factors, incentives, installation, and maintenance.

Cost Factors of Solar Energy Systems

The cost of solar panels for agricultural use in New Jersey is more affordable than ever before. A recent report from the New Jersey Office of Clean Energy found that the cost of solar panels has decreased by 72% since 2010, making it easier for agricultural operations to make the switch to solar energy. Additionally, agricultural solar panels are eligible for several incentives, including the New Jersey Clean Energy Program’s Solar Renewable Energy Credits, which can help offset the cost of solar installation.

New Jersey Solar Panel System Incentives

In addition to the cost savings associated with solar energy, agricultural operations in New Jersey are eligible for several incentives that can help make the switch to solar more attractive. The New Jersey Clean Energy Program provides several incentives, including Solar Renewable Energy Certificates, which can help offset the cost of solar installation. Additionally, agricultural operations can take advantage of the federal Investment Tax Credit, which provides a 30% tax credit on the cost of solar installation.

Installation of Solar Panels

Installing agricultural solar panels in New Jersey is a relatively straightforward process that begins with a site assessment. An experienced solar installer can assess your site to determine the optimal placement of the solar panels and the best system for your needs. After the site assessment is complete, the installer will apply for the necessary permits, which must be approved before the installation can begin. The installation process typically takes several days to complete, depending on the size of the system.

Maintenance of Solar Panels

Once the agricultural solar panels are installed, they require virtually no maintenance. The panels are designed to be self-cleaning and resistant to weather, so they should require minimal upkeep. Additionally, the solar panels come with a warranty that covers any potential defects for up to 25 years.


Agricultural solar panels offer a variety of benefits for agricultural operations in New Jersey, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, and independence from utility companies. The cost of solar panels has decreased significantly over the past decade, making them more affordable than ever before. Additionally, agricultural operations can take advantage of several incentives, such as the New Jersey Clean Energy Program’s Solar Renewable Energy Credits and the federal Investment Tax Credit. Installing agricultural solar panels is a relatively straightforward process that can be completed in a few days. Once the panels are installed, they require minimal maintenance.

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of agricultural solar panels in New Jersey, contact Luminous Solar, the New Jersey Solar Panel experts.

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